Subscription Management Made Easy

Effortlessly handle recurring billing and subscriber management.


Create easy to use subscription plans

Foster strong, long-lasting relationships with your subscribers.

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Streamline subscription Management

As you handle customers across multiple plans and tiers, let HAL ERP handle all the complexities involved in managing the customer and the plan.

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User-Friendly Plan Management

create your own plans on the go with the easy to use Plan management. Give your business the plan it deserves.

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Effortlessly manage Upgrades & Downgrades

Easily manage customer plan changes with addition or users,seats or add ons. Let the entire Invoicing process be on auto pilot with HAL Subscription management.

Create the right business product

With deep insights into different plans, leverage data to power your decision making and create the right plans and products to help scale your business

Standard plans

With the ready to use plan set up, you can easily manage the different subscriptions and start selling on the go

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Customer specific Add on Management

Each customer may require specific add ons that may not be in line with standard plans. Don't sweat over this, rather create tailored plans to suit your business plan.

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Sales Efforts

Enable your sales team to create and sell plans that work. Don't be limited by system defaults.

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Analyse and Optimize Your Business

Leverage analytics to make informed decisions and optimize performance.

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Enhanced Customer Conversion

With teh help of right plans, increase your sales team conversions.

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Comprehensive Revenue Analytics

Gain insights into your revenue metrics, including ARR and LTV, through an informative dashboard.

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Business Growth Projections

Create forecasts effortlessly and gain a deeper understanding of your company's growth trajectory.

Sales team