How HAL Trade Can Improve Efficiency in Your Trading Business

How HAL Trade Can Improve Efficiency in Your Trading Business

Published By

Umar Shariff
Sep 10, 2024

In the relentless pursuit of success in today's hyper-competitive trading landscape, efficiency is no longer a mere aspiration; it's a non-negotiable imperative. The market moves at a dizzying pace, demanding businesses to operate with precision, speed, and minimal errors. Manual processes, with their inherent limitations, can be a significant bottleneck, hindering your ability to keep up.

Enter HAL Trade. This cutting-edge automation solution is designed to transform the way you do business. By automating various aspects of your trading operations, HAL Trade empowers you to streamline your processes, reduce costs, and improve overall performance. It's a strategic investment that can give you the competitive edge you need to thrive in today's challenging market.

Key Areas Where HAL Trade Can Enhance Efficiency:

1. Detailed Order Processing

HAL Trade's deep order processing enables businesses to track the orders from requests for material to delivery in the warehouse. Throughout the cycle, at every step from supplier order confirmation to transit tracking to goods receipt at the store, HAL Trade automates and streamlines the entire workflow, f. With detailed reporting enabling every individual item to be tracked from Purchase Order to Sales Order and customer delivery, each SKU gets tracked end to end throughout the life cycle. All throughout the process, the accounting entries are fully automated minimizing manual data entry errors, ensuring accurate information. The system also generates necessary documents automatically, eliminating manual creation—this automation results in faster turnaround times, reduced errors, and a streamlined workflow.

2. Inventory Management Automation

HAL Trade's real-time inventory tracking system ensures accurate stock levels, preventing stockouts and overstocking. When inventory falls below a threshold, the system automatically generates purchase orders for replenishment. HAL Trade comes with inbuilt WhatsApp integration to send important notifications directly to users' Whatsapp. This enables one-touch order replenishment or price modification. The seamless Email and Mobile app driven notification workflow ensures that dead stocks and slow moving stocks are correctly identified before it is too late. With Inventory tracking to the bins and aisles, the system will automatically identify any hidden items that may otherwise get lost without tracking. 3. Price List for optimal pricing 

While in the trading business, the gross profit of each SKU is paramount. The most important factor in achieving this is setting the right price level. Depending on the outlet or specific branch, or for customer categories, HAL Trade provides a multi-pronged approach to setting the right price levels for each SKU.  By eliminating dependency on the salesman to arrive at the right pricing, businesses can leverage the power of data to set up a very sophisticated pricing strategy. The system will intelligently track the availability of promotional pricing for the duration or check each branch-based pricing or assess customer type-based pricing allowing for a very efficient and optimal price setting for maximum ROI. 

3. Flexible Landed Cost Tracking for accurate Profitability

Arriving at each item level or SKU level profitability is very critical to take informed decisions in the trading business. A key component in this cost breakdown is the landed cost calculation. Apart from the item purchase price, the landed cost is the additional component that dictates the margin for selling. While most businesses track this, certain systems limit you from tracking the accurate Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) when the material gets sold before truly uncovering the logistics and freight cost of the item. This creates a huge problem as the item cost price gets skewed and profitability gets ultimately tracked incorrectly. In HAL trade, there is an option to add the landed cost even after the item is sold so that the system can intelligently correct the cost of goods sold such that item profitability is very clearly maintained. This enables businesses to understand the true cost and take data driven decisions while making the next item purchase or setting the sales price. 

4. Deep dive Supplier analytics

While in the trading business, it is often the case that some item categories get procured from multiple suppliers. It becomes essential to track the movement of these items against the respective suppliers so that the right decision can be taken to replenish the stock or grade the suppliers. With HAL Trade, businesses can track the movement of each item with very clear tagging of suppliers against each movement. Right from receiving the item in the store to transferring across the branches to the sale and return of the items, every transaction is tagged against the specific supplier for very detailed and in-depth beneficiary tracking. This makes for very comprehensive reporting allowing businesses to maintain and strengthen supplier relationships.

5. Multiple Costing Strategies

Each business has its own way of managing costs. For some, it is the First In First Out approach that works to be most efficient. At the same time, others prefer the average costing of items for better tracking and reporting. Either way, HAL Trade comes to the rescue by helping you set the costing method that makes sense for your context and operations. With such flexible costing methodology, businesses have greater flexibility and independence to arrive at their own operating style without being limited by the system. 

Benefits of Using HAL Trade for Your Trading Business:

With all of the key features that are tailor made for the Trading Industry, HAL Trade boosts the business with cutting-edge technology and real time data insights. The power of the system is not just in arriving at the right pricing but also to understand and improve vendor and customer relationships through the complete lifecycle tracking of each item. 

Businesses across KSA have greatly benefited from the vertical and super-specialized offering from HAL. A horizontal and one-fit-all approach system can never make up for the specialized and razor sharp focus which HAL Trade offers to help take your trading business to the next level. Some of the ways existing trading businesses have benefited from HAL Trade are listed below - 

Increased Efficiency: HAL Trade's automation reduces manual tasks, speeds up processes, and minimizes errors, leading to increased efficiency. This is achieved by automating key tasks, streamlining workflows, ensuring accurate data entry, and reducing the risk of human errors. This increased efficiency can lead to faster turnaround times, reduced costs, and improved customer satisfaction.

Reduced Costs: HAL Trade's automation can significantly reduce costs by streamlining operations and minimizing errors. By automating repetitive tasks, HAL Trade reduces the need for manual labor, leading to lower labor costs. Additionally, the system's efficient inventory management features can help you avoid overstocking and stockouts, reducing the costs associated with excess or insufficient inventory. Furthermore, HAL Trade's automation can help you streamline your order fulfillment process, reducing costs associated with shipping, handling, and returns.

Improved Accuracy: Automation eliminates the risk of human error in data entry, ensuring accurate and reliable information. By automating repetitive tasks, such as data input and validation, HAL Trade minimizes the chance of mistakes caused by manual errors. This leads to improved data integrity, which is crucial for making informed decisions and ensuring the accuracy of your business records.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Faster order processing and accurate inventory management can significantly improve customer satisfaction. By automating order processing, HAL Trade reduces the time it takes to fulfill orders, leading to faster delivery times and reduced wait times for customers. Additionally, accurate inventory management ensures that products are available when customers need them, minimizing stockouts and reducing customer frustration. This combination of faster delivery and reliable product availability can lead to increased customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.

Better Decision Making: Real-time data and analytics provide valuable insights that empower businesses to make informed decisions. By analyzing current data, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of market trends, customer behavior, and operational performance. This information can be used to identify opportunities, optimize strategies, and respond quickly to changing circumstances. For example, real-time sales data can help businesses identify which products are selling well and adjust inventory levels accordingly, while real-time customer feedback can help businesses improve their products or services.

HAL Trade: Your Path to Trading Efficiency

HAL Trade is a powerful automation solution designed to revolutionize your trading business. By automating key processes, reducing errors, and providing valuable insights, HAL Trade empowers you to stay competitive, reduce costs, and enhance overall performance.

Moreover, HAL Trade is a valuable tool for businesses looking to enhance their trading operations and improve overall efficiency. By providing real-time data and analytics, HAL Trade enables businesses to make informed decisions regarding inventory management and pricing strategies. This ultimately leads to optimized stock levels, reduced costs, and increased profitability.

Ready to experience the benefits of HAL Trade for yourself? Book a demo today and discover how our innovative solutions can streamline your operations and drive your business forward.